Camryn Smith

Camryn Smith, a founding member and the executive director of Communities in Partnership (CIP), is a proud resident of Old East Durham and a community activist and organizer. She has been serving in place-based development work for over 20 years both stateside and abroad. Camryn is a current Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Culture of Health Leader (Cohort 3), co‑chair of Organizing Against Racism (OAR) Durham, as well as a member of the Racial Equity Taskforce for the City of Durham and the Built2Last/Durham Compact Board of Advisors. She also serves on the executive and steering committees for Equitable Food-Oriented Development (EFOD), which is a national collaborative of food-systems organizations run by black and brown communities to reshape the narrative surrounding food, community and economic development centered in black and brown liberation.

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Centre national de recherche scientifique
Revue soutenue par l’Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales du CNRS
