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Editorial charter and style guide

The editors at Metropolitics hope to elicit a better diffusion of scientific, technical and political analyses of urban issues by academics, professionals and political officials, shift the lines of public debate, and thus allow for the emergence of new questions and new research interests. Authors are asked to respect the editorial guidelines outlined below in order to ensure an efficient publication process. Every text is subject to a double evaluation by the editorial committee.

All the papers published by Metropolitics are aimed at an educated, but not necessarily specialised, readership. The text must be written in a simple and straightforward style, avoiding technical jargon as far as possible.

Metropolitics is open to several types of publication :

- Essays (1,500 words), which draw on empirical work to develop arguments relating to societal and political debates, and which provide a new perspective on key urban issues and challenges.

- Debates (1,500 words), which relate to current social, professional or political developments on current issues, and concisely present the state of knowledge bearing on current public debate.

- Reports from the Field (1,500 words), which draw on case studies, experiments or remarkable situations to shed new light on urban phenomena and developments.

- Reviews (1,000 words), which offer authors’ perspectives on books, films, exhibitions and other events, evaluating their intellectual contributions for a wide audience.

- Interviews with activists and policymakers, presented in audio, video or text form.

All papers submitted to Metropolitics are read by the editorial committee, who will make the final decision regarding publication. The editors and/or subeditors may request that certain parts of the text be developed, removed or modified, and indeed may even suggest reworked passages themselves. The editorial committee is responsible for writing the introductory paragraph and reserves the right to modify the title.

Presentation guidelines

All articles in Metropolitics follow the same house style. All text must be justified, including the title, author’s name and sub-headings. The font for body text is Times New Roman, 12 pt.

  • Title : Times New Roman, bold, 14 pt
  • Author : [first name] [last name] ; Times New Roman, 12 pt
  • Body text : Times New Roman, 12 pt
  • Subheading : Times New Roman, bold, 12 pt (no other level of heading is permitted)
  • Bibliography (where applicable) : Times New Roman, 12 pt
  • Further reading (where applicable) : links to the author’s website and/or other sites of interest, particularly those containing relevant images ; Times New Roman, 12 pt
  • Author’s profile : Times New Roman, 12 pt (see “Bibliographical information” below for more details)

Presentation of bibliographical references

Metropolitics uses an amended version of the Chicago ([author] [date]) citation style. This style is available for Zotero users (“Métropolitiques (French)”) and takes the following form :

  • Books : Newman, P. and Thornley, A. 1996. Urban Planning in Europe, London : Routledge.
  • Collective works : Hobsbawm, E. and Ranger, T. (eds.). 1992. The Invention of Tradition, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
  • Chapter or other part of a work (notably collective works) : Schivelbusch, W. 2005. “Nocturnal City”, in M. Zardini (ed.), Sense of the City, Baden : Lars Müller Publishers, pp. 34–63.
  • Article in a journal : Hallsworth, A. 2010. “Small shop decline : shadow boxing in the dark ?”, Environment and Planning A, vol. 42, pp. 1258–1263.
  • Academic writings (theses, etc.) : Hasan, M. A. 1990. The problems of financing small business in Egypt, doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Any notes inserted into the text must be footnotes (and not endnotes). Footnotes should be used sparingly.

References to specific pages of a cited work can be mentioned in the body of the text in brackets : (Hallsworth 2010, p. 22).

For ease of reading, initialisms and acronyms must be expanded in full at their first use.

We strongly recommend that articles be subdivided using subheadings.


The journal’s main languages are French and English. Articles may be published in other languages, provided that they are accompanied by a translation in either French or English.

Biographical information

Authors are asked to provide a few lines of biographical information for their profile page on Metropolitics, describing their position, professional affiliations and any recent publications. We ask that authors also provide a photograph for their profile, which may also include hyperlinks to their professional or personal web pages.

Submit an article

If you wish to submit an article to Metropolitics, please email it to the Editorial Director, James DeFilippis : jdefilip [at] rutgers [dot] edu – or click on the “Submit a paper” button below.


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Centre national de recherche scientifique
Revue soutenue par l’Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales du CNRS
